Great news!

Today I met the oncologist for the first time.  She was SO nice.  She explained everything and really knew my background.  I got the impression she took the time to really review my history. She answered all my questions and never rushed me.  To sum up,  she said there are 4 criteria necessary to get a diagnosis of multiple myeloma:

1. High blood calcium levels due to bone breaking down and releasing calcium into the blood stream.  (my calcium levels were not high)

2. Renal or kidney dysfunction. (my levels are normal)

3. Anemia (im only slightly anemic- she said just barely)

4. Bone lesions

5. an uneven ratio of heavy/light chain markers

Based on all the tests that were done in the hospital she said I have none of those.  So the chance that I have full blown myeloma is slim.  She wants to run her own tests though and check for everything so they took 10 vials of blood today and she said she will call me Friday or Monday with results.  She said she really doesn't expect to see anything crazy,  but if she does she will want further tests.  i am fine with that. 

So as it stands right now,  we're waiting for my test results.  If they show nothing significant she will likely conclude that i have MGUS and we'll just watch it.  Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a condition in which an abnormal protein — known as monoclonal protein or M protein — is in your blood. The protein is produced in a type of white blood cell (plasma cells) in your bone marrow.
MGUS usually causes no problems. But sometimes it can progress over years to other disorders, including some forms of blood cancer.

She'll also refer me to an immunologist for more testing and they will probably give me monthly infusions to boost my immunity. 

If the results show issues she may want further testing such as a PET scan or skeletal survey to check my bones, and/  or a bone marrow biopsy.  If I do have myeloma it's in the very very very early stage and isn't causing much of a problem yet. 

This news is very reassuring.  When I pulled into the parking lot I got upset.  I  didn't want this to be my reality.  Today is May 1, my mom's birthday.  I started worrying about that being a bad sign,  because she died from cancer,  and i took her to all her appts at Siteman. I never dreamed I would be a patient there myself.  Everyone there was so very nice though. 

So now I wait.  Again! Hopefully for more good news.  I just want to get back to normal life. 
