So good to be back!

Do you remember the height of the blogger craze? It was around 2008 for me. It seemed like everyone I knew had a blog! We were all young without kids and we had SO MUCH TIME on our hands. Don't forget money to go out with. Ah money, it was so nice when you could just blow $50 on dinner and not even worry about it. My first blog was called Klenke Konfessions, but my hubs was a police officer and had a problem with the word Klenke in the title. He put people in jail and did not want anyone to be able to find us. We cleaned up my social media and locked everything down and I changed the name of the blog to Damask is Divine. Once Nick arrived I loved blogging pix of him and our adventures around town. Well hubs had a problem with everyone knowing what we were doing so i just quit blogging to make him happy. Honestly I was pissed about it. I had made some really good friends through my blog, I loved the social interaction it provided and it was therapeutic for me. I also didn't like being told what to do. But I understood our safety was at risk and I took one for the sake of the marriage. I actually didn't delete the blog I just made it private so no one could see it except me and I used it to track the kids monthly growth. 

I've always had an obsession with documenting my life, I'm not sure why. I have a suitcase full of journals/calendars going back to 1986. I write down every single thing I do in there. I enjoy looking back and remembering how my life was through all the different phases. It's so funny how your priorities change as you go through life.

Anyway I've had a blog for a few years that my friend started and I kind of took it over while she was busy with a newborn called So I've been blogging about playgrounds in St. Louis and kid friendly venues but there's nothing personal in it for me. I try to keep it neutral even if I think a playground is a total shit hole I keep that to myself.

This blog is all personal though, and I am so happy to be back! I have had such overwhelming support and love and positive feedback from it and it is so therapeutic for me. I guess I enjoy writing but I would never call myself a good writer. Phones have made me so lazy, I cringe when I see my grammatical errors and then don't even fix them sometimes because it's too much work. And why doesn't Facebook capitalize every new sentence like Word does???? I hate that!

Siteman called today and they got my records. The doc wants to see me May 1 at 9am to go over the treatment plan.  11 days to get through. I am trying to get a job but we decided to put that on hold until we know what is going on with this cancer thing. I don't want to start somewhere and then have all these doctors appointments to schedule around a work schedule. (I'm secretly glad I get to delay this because who wants to wear pants all day and adult?)

I have to get a cavity filled tomorrow, Monday I see the cardiologist to repeat my echo, May 1 I see the oncologist, later that day Nick has his 7 year well visit, and May 9 I meet my new endocrinologist.  Yay for medical bills!


  1. Angie, it is wonderful that you have a natural inclination to journal! My late husband was a photo-journalist and entered something in a journal every day, even if it was short. He was always after me to keep a journal, saying that the kids would really appreciate it some day. I haven't been good about it, but wish I had really is a good thing. Keep it up, Angie. You will be in my prayers as you prepare to enter your treatment phase!
    ---Linda Gurney


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